Sunday, 19 January 2014

light Numericals Class X

Important Question of light 
Class X
1. You are given kerosene, turpentine oil and water. In which of these does the light ray
travel fastest? Given refractive index of kerosene = 1. 44, Refractive index of
turpentine 1· 47, refractive index of water = 1· 33.
2. Under what condition a convex lens when placed in a medium behaves as an ordinary
glass plate?
3. Light having a free space wavelength λ= 500 nm passes from vacuum into diamond
having refractive index 2.4. What would be the wavelength of light in the diamond?
4. A ray of light is travelling in water medium falls on the water-air interface at an angle
of 45° with the vertical. Will it be possible by the ray of light to come out of the water
5. A virtual image cannot be focused on a screen.” this statement appears to be
contradictory as we focus a virtual image onto a screen, i. e retina explain it.
6. In what way is the word AMBULANCE painted in front of the hospital vans? Why is it painted this way?
7. A concave mirror and convex lens are held in water. What change, if any, do you
expect to find in the focal length of either?
8. ‘ Vehicles in this mirror are closer than they appear’. This warning is printed on the
convex mirror outside the driver’s side of a vehicle. What is the reason for this warning?
9. A glass tumbler is placed over a coin and filled with water. Coin disappears after
sometime when seen from the sides of the tumbler. Give suitable name for the
phenomena observed.
10. If a lens has been blackened in strips, what will be the difference in the nature of the
11. How many images are seen when two mirrors are placed in parallel?
12 . Is it possible for a lens to act as a convergent in one medium and divergent in another?
13. What happens to the image distance in the eye when we increase the distance of an
object from the eye?
14. A student has difficulty in reading the black board while sitting in the last row. What
would be the defect the student is suffering from? How can it be corrected?
15. A person with a myopic eye cannot see objects beyond 1.2 m distinctly. What should
be the nature of the corrective lens used to restore proper vision?
16. A person is able to see objects clearly only when these are lying at distances
Between 50 cm and 300 cm from his eye.
(a) What kind of defects of vision is he suffering from?
(b) What kind of lenses will be required to increase his range of vision from 25 cm to
infinity? Explain briefly.
17. A beam of white light is passed through a hollow prism, will it produce a spectrum?
18. Do all people looking at a star, locate it at the same apparent position? If not explain.
19. When a torch light is focussed on the eye which cells get activated immediately?
a) Sensory cells b) light sensitive cells
c) Cells of the ciliary muscles d) cells at the blind spot
20. The defect in vision developed due to gradual weakening of ciliary muscle and diminishing
flexibility of eye lens is:
a) Myopia b) hypermetropia c) night blindness d) presbyopia
Er.Shyam Pachori Classes 
Add: C.L 157 D.D Nagar Gwalior 

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