Sunday, 19 January 2014

Class 11 List of practicals

                               LIST OF PRACTICALS FOR  CLASS XI
1. To measure diameter of a small spherical/cylindrical body using vernier calipers.
2. To measure the internal diameter and depth of a given beaker  using vernier calipers and hence find its volume.
3. To measure diameter of given wire using screw gauge.
4. To measure thickness of a given sheet using screw gauge.
                 5.Using a simple pendulum plot L-T and L-T2 graphs. Hence find the effective length of second’s pendulum using appropriate length values.
6. To find the force constant of given helical spring by plotting a graph between load and extension.(Hooke's Law )
7.To Determine radius of curvature of a given spherical (Convex) surface by a spherometer.
List Of Activities
1.To make a paper scale of given least count of 0.2 cm.
2.To Study Newton’s Law of Cooling.
3.To study terminal velocity of a spherical body  in glycerine.
4.To study how to use a Thermometer .
Marks Distribution (Total 30 Marks)
 Practical file
Viva Voice
   10 Marks
     5 Marks
      5 Marks
   5 Marks

Note:-There is no need of writing procedures in practical manual .
Er.Shyam Pachori 
Add. Classes at CL 81 D.D Nagar Gwalior

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